I am enjoying the NRA convention, and was invited by the
NRA to take a new class.
Great things are on the horizon.
Loved the new class and meeting Training Counselors from
around the country.
So much to see and do, having a great time in the process!
Carol Ruh
From Our President
Hi Everyone,
We are so excited about the fall season!
*New drills and lots of shooting
*New Schedule for 2019
*New Website coming
Come on out and find out, because there is more!
Carol Ruh
Something to Consider
Your dues of $50 a year is supporting a women's organization,
taught by women with experience in teaching and competition.
We have spent hundreds and thousands of dollars developing our
classes to educate you for a small investment. Look around and
you will see how much classes cost elsewhere. It's important
to us to teach good quality education to women and keep the
cost down in these challenging economic times.
So if you're looking for quality education and stretching the
dollar than look no further. Come and visit us at the Arizona
Women's Shooting Associates, for the quality education in a
fun and safe environment.
Happy New Year and God Bless,
Carol Ruh
President |
Women Teaching Women
AWSA teaches everyday shooting scenarios in a professional environment.
Striving to meet these needs by giving you the skills on how and when
to defend yourself is our goal. By having everyone participate in
demonstrations keeps the student very involved, and in turn the student
will teach another student to reinforce their learning process
AWSA teaches with repeated drills to create muscle memory to help
in the defense process. Knowing the condition of your gun at all times
is strictly enforced by the safety rules. The student will become
aware that this is not only a fun sport, but also a thinking sport.
Learning to plan their shots for competition and knowing when to reload
for example.
AWSA is a ladies group on the move. They might be sitting, kneeling,
prone, standing or running. To get you to this point is our goal,
and having fun doing it.
All instructors are NRA certified a combined 30 years of firearm instruction.