Rifle Match
Having fun at the Washington's
Birthday Match 2016 at Ben Avery

The women of AWSA share a moment to remember those who lost their
lives on 9-11.
In recognition, Caroline Deegan LCDR MC USNR (RET) and Carol Ruh hold
up our flag.

My name is Pete also known as Mr. Carol. That’s right, I’m
Carol’s husband. Most of you know me as the guy who totally
supports his wife in the gun world. I would like you to know a little
bit of behind the scenes that none of you know about.
First let me tell you that I am the luckiest guy in the world. What
man would not like to go to a gun show and have his wife by his side
and be just as excited as he is when he is looking at all the guns?
And what man would not love it when he says to his wife ‘ what
do you think about this gun?” She answers with “I think
you should buy it!”
The one thing that I hate is when we go to the range and she out shoots
me with that new gun. The worst part is the ride home and she says
to me “would you like me to tell you what you did wrong?”
My most rewarding part of having Carol as my wife is seeing the difference
my wife has made teaching so many women to shoot. Her way of teaching
is so much different than anything I have ever seen. I know that this
comes from really caring for the ladies she teaches. She can put herself
in their position and can make them feel comfortable with that gun
in their hand. I have never seen her get frustrated with anyone, well
maybe me one in a while.
Ladies if you are looking for a unique teacher, come out and meet
Carol. As far as I’m concerned she is the best.
Pete Ruh
Now that you have read my husband’s report card on me, it’s
my turn. Having been married to Pete for almost 37 years in October,
I think I know him now. We also think that the marriage will work
out too.
Several years ago while on the way to a gun show in Phoenix, we discussed
the fact that we were NOT going to buy any guns. Everything was fine
when we got there, and for some reason we got separated.
While I was looking at one table I discovered a Winchester 1897 pump
shotgun that I needed for my Cowboy Action Shooting. Pete had his,
but I wanted one for myself. I asked how much, and the price could
not be beat for the condition was mighty fine. Normally we discuss
everything but I couldn’t find him, so I had to make a decision.
Well I figured if I said we couldn’t buy anything, then I guess
I could break my own rule.
When he finally found me I had the shotgun over my shoulder. The look
on his face was priceless. “I thought you said we were not buying
anything today”? The laugher started and we continued to enjoy
the show together. I think he was afraid to leave me alone again.
My husband has been by my side for all the exciting times putting
AWSA together, helped out when needed, even if it was “go for”
this and that. He is my rock and support, and encourages me all the
way. His sense of humor is uplifting when I need it most, and to all
the ladies at AWSA.
The stories are endless with my husband, but know this,