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and registration forms
Avery - Location Info
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Carol Ruh to purchase
AWSA Gift Certificates
Classes: For women who are serious about shooting
training women is very important to us. Men and women
are different. Our center of gravity is different, our balance
is different.
Most men are not aware of these differences when they try to
teach women how to shoot. |
instance, when shooting a handgun, recoil control is a concern for
many women.
With a few simple tricks, a small women can learn to handle
a large caliber gun with little problem.
The AWSA offers handgun, rifle and shotgun training, as well as
strive to provide a variety of shooting experiences so our members
can hone their skills.
We also offer a variety of classes to enhance our member's understanding
and enjoyment of firearms and related subjects.
NRA BASIC PISTOL Instructor Led Training Class
The Basic Pistol with is Instructor Led, is a prerequisite
for the instructor for the purpose of understanding how the class
is to be taught to students. It is also the perfect start for leaning
about guns in the general sense.
- September 6, 2018
Form at this link
NRA Pistol Instructor Course
The Instructor course is for any
one who wish to teach other student to learn the shooting sports
safely. The NRA class teaches you how to teach their material of
basic knowledge, skills and attitude to others.
- September 7, 2018
Form at this link
On Target
Women on Target is the perfect introduction class for Ladies to
understand the difference of semi-auto and revolvers. Getting to
shoot many different guns is the climax of the class. Fun class
with the girls from the office, Mother and Daughter, or just with
- NOVEMBER 3, 2018 PPC
Form at this link
**All dates are subject to change without notice
*All dates are subject to change or cancel due to weather.
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Ben Avery Shooting Facility
4044 West Black Canyon Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85086
for Location Map
Contact us with your questions/comments:
Arizona Women's Shooting Associates
Attn: Carol Ruh
47801 North Black Canyon Highway
New River, AZ 85087
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Never to late to say" Thank You" for your time, dedication,
kindness and patience...
Twelve days ago I enjoyed to participate to your class well except
for the shooting I was terrible. I will give an other try but not
I thought that I could come to do some practice but I have to prepare
a job interview...
You and your team are doing a great job for the women. Keep going!
Have a wonderful evening,
Thank You All,
Best regards,
Joelle Lagarde
would just like to take this time to thank you for the time and
effort that you put into the Ladies Personal ProtectionClass. It
must be so hard to know that there is so much to teach each student,
if we would put a value on our lives first. I do value take to heart
the things that you have been teaching me and you are so willing
to keep on teaching me.
You are instilling a confidence in me that I never knew I had. And
you are making me look deep into myself and awaken the yearning
of knowledge in this sport. You will never know how much I have
learned in the different classes/ Wed evening shoots. I hope that
you know that you have made a big difference in the way I have been
able to look & act in different situations and know that if
something happens I will be able to put up the fight of my life
and or fight the for the safety of my small little family.
I look forward to the continued Firearm and Personal Safety education
that you offer to me.
Thank you, Patsy
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